Our Philosophy


Investment Philosophy

We believe in taking a scientific, evidence-based approach to portfolio construction. As such, the Strategic Allocation portfolios capture the historical excess return provided by companies trading at a discount to their intrinsic value and those with smaller market capitalization. Holdings in each category will be globally diversified to avoid concentrated risks and to participate in all corners of today’s global economy. Portfolios are optimal for investors seeking long-term results according to their goals and personal risk tolerance.


Ongoing Due Diligence

We are committed to ongoing evaluation of current and prospective investment categories and managers. We will conduct a thorough review of each holding annually at minimum. We continuously research and investigate investment opportunities that may increase expected return and/or decrease risk to the portfolio.


Portfolio Construction

Keeping investment costs low is key. Our mission is to provide low cost, diversified exposure across equity and fixed income categories.Therefore, indexed mutual funds and ETFs will be used whenever possible to provide the desired investments in the fund. In categories where index funds are unavailable or impractical, mutual funds will be chosen through rigorous evaluation of factors such as expertise, reputation and ethics, style purity and conviction, as well as historical results. Cost and diversification will not be compromised.